We would like to thank everyone for the co-operation which has been received following the temporary pedestrianisation of Parliament Street which was introduced at the behest of Government on Monday 18th May 2020 to allow the re-opening of non-essential retail.
As a result of our analysis of the effectiveness of the operation and the impact on our ratepayers and visitors we are proposing to implement some changes on Monday 25th May 2020 which also take account of some of the feedback received.
We are confident that these changes will provide greater access to the Town Centre for those with reduced or limited mobility as well as providing additional pedestrian safety during what are traditionally the busiest hours of the week. We hope that the measures will give people confidence in their ability to maintain social distancing whilst supporting our local traders.
Subject to the required approval it is proposed that the following roads would be closed to vehicular access between 11am and 3pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday only.
Parliament Street from the junction with Christian Street
Bourne Place
Market Hill
Parliament Street would remain fully open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday.
The temporary parking alterations, including the additional disabled bays at the rear of the Courthouse will remain in force, as will the permit access for deliveries during the restricted hours. We would encourage delivery drivers to visit during the unrestricted periods if possible.
We will shortly be undertaking a survey to allow residents, visitors and business owners to submit their views on the arrangements and any suggestions to assist with future planning.
Andy Cowie, Chairman of Ramsey Town Commissioners, Commented :
“As we committed to do, we have looked closely at the operation of the pedestrianisation system during the first week and are confident that these revised measures will continue to provide a safe environment for visitors to our town centre during the busiest times. The relaxation during quieter periods will allow for greater access for anyone with limited mobility, additional parking and for the collection of bulkier items whilst there are fewer pedestrians.
We would ask that drivers continue to take great care in the town centre and be particularly aware of pedestrians.
We will continue to monitor the operation of the system to ensure it meets the needs of as many of our town centre users as safely as possible and will make any further alterations accordingly.”
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