Cost of Living Support


Ramsey (Boundary Extension) Order 2023

Ramsey Town Commissioners have made an application to the Department of Infrastructure for an Order under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1985 seeking to extend by Order, the boundary of the town of Ramsey Town. The Order provides for the adjustment of the boundaries between the districts of Ramsey, Lezayre and Garff (Maughold Ward) so as to remove various areas from Lezayre and Garff and to include within Ramsey’s boundary. 

As part of the process for considering the application, legislation requires that a public inquiry be held. This will give stakeholders and interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

After the inquiry, the Department will consider the Chairperson’s report which may or may not recommend that an Order be made to adjust the boundaries between the town of Ramsey and the districts of Lezayre/ Garff (Maughold Ward). The Department must then consider the Chairperson’s report. Should the Department determine that an Order is made that Order would be subject to the approval of Tynwald.

Further details about the public inquiry and how you can give your views can be found here.

The consultation can also be viewed at Ramsey Town Hall during normal office hours.


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