Ramsey Courthouse Update

Ramsey Courthouse Update

Ramsey Town Commissioners are to undertake an Expressions of Interest process for the long term use of Ramsey Courthouse following the decision by The Heart of Ramsey Limited to withdraw from their exclusivity agreement.

The Heart of Ramsey (THOR), a not-for-profit charitable organisation,  entered into a 12 month exclusivity agreement with the Commission in June 2019.  This was to allow the Trustees time to engage with the community and seek funding for the proposed alterations to the building.  Following the end of the exclusivity period THOR had reluctantly indicated to the Commission that it wished to relinquish the exclusivity held for the use of the Courthouse.

The Expressions of Interest process will be advertised on www.ramsey.gov.im and in the local press shortly.

In the meantime, Ramsey Courthouse is available to all to hire.  Details of the facilities can be found by visiting www.ramsey.gov.im/services/ramsey-courthouse/

Ramsey Courthouse continues to host a large number of community events and exhibitions as well as the weekly Isle of Man Farmers Market since it was acquired by Ramsey Town Commissioners in 2017.  Ramsey Town Commissioners are also pleased to be able to host the Ramsey Group Practice 2020 Flu Campaign which will be advertised in due course.

Andy Cowie, Chairman of Ramsey Town Commissioners, commented:

The THOR team produced an ambitious design and had some considerable success in developing the plans and receiving consent. It is a great disappointment that the team have not been able to secure all the funding they anticipated to progress their plans, although, in the current climate it is less surprising.

As well as the seasonal events and displays, which have been reduced in number this year, the Farmers Market continues to go from strength to strength and has been instrumental in encouraging residents and visitors to the centre of Ramsey and to buy local. The market also provided a key outlet and source of locally-grown food in a safe environment during the Covid restrictions.

The Courthouse remains a great setting for community events and is available to organisations and individuals to use. We look forward to working with new partners with enthusiastic and ambitious plans for the facility. In the interim, it continues to be managed by the commissioner’s team, who will be investigating further ways to enhance the community benefit provided by the Courthouse.



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