Cost of Living Support



Photo: Peter Whiteway





NOTICE is hereby given that an Election of THREE members of the Ramsey Town Commissioners for the ward of North Ward will be held on Thursday, 25th November, 2021.

Forms of Nomination may be obtained from the undersigned at the Town Hall, Parliament Square, Ramsey, during normal office hours during the period up to and including Monday 1st November, 2021.  

The form of nomination paper includes instructions as to its completion and signing.

A Nomination Paper duly completed must be delivered to the undersigned before 5.00 p.m. on Monday 1st November, 2021, at the Town Hall, Parliament Square, Ramsey.

In the event of a contested election polling will take place on Thursday, 25th November, 2021.

Candidates may obtain one copy of the Register of Electors for Ramsey North Ward from the undersigned free of charge.

Copies of the Local Elections Act, 1986, the Local Elections Rules, 2003 (as amended) and the Local Elections (Absent Voters) Regulations, 2008 (as amended), are available from the Tynwald Library, Legislative Buildings, Douglas, IM1 3PW and from the Department of Infrastructure’s website.


Absent Voters’ ballot papers can be obtained only by means of an application duly completed and received by the undersigned:

(a)        where the absent voter’s ballot paper is to be marked in the Isle of Man, at least 7 clear days before the date of the poll; or

 (b)       where the absent voter’s ballot paper is to be marked elsewhere than in the Isle of Man, at least 9 days before the date for the poll.

Absent voters’ ballot papers will be issued to persons whom the returning officer has accepted as being entitled to vote as such at the address in the Isle of Man or elsewhere as notified to the undersigned –

            (a)        where the ballot paper is to be marked in the Isle of Man, at least 5 clear days before the day fixed for the poll; or

            (b)        where the ballot paper is to be marked elsewhere than in the Isle of Man, at least 7 clear days before the day fixed for the poll.

Provided that where the absent voter’s ballot is to be marked in the Isle of Man the ballot may be delivered by the certifying officer to the returning officer at any time before the close of the poll.

Application forms are available from the undersigned during normal office hours.

The Representation of the People Act 1995 (as amended) provides that a person who is or will be entitled to vote at an election may apply to the returning officer of the district or ward in which that person seeks to exercise his or her vote to be treated as an absent voter.

TAKE  NOTICE  that all persons who are guilty of bribery, treating, undue influence, personation or other corrupt practices at the Election, are, on conviction of such offence, liable to the penalties mentioned in that behalf in the Representation of the People Act 1995.

By Order.                                                                                                                

                                                                    T. P. Whiteway, Clerk to the Ramsey Town Commissioners

Town Hall, Parliament Square, Ramsey, Isle of Man. IM8 1RT


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