The Ramsey Town Commissioners requested a review of the existing Town boundary and that a report be prepared to consider the making of an application to the Department of Infrastructure under the Local Government Act 1985,S.6(l) requesting the Department to extend, by Order, the boundary of Ramsey Town.
At the Commissioners October 2020 meeting it was agreed that the report and correspondence with the parish authorities who might be affected by the proposals should be published. Links to these documents are provided below.
The Ramsey Commissioners met with both Lezayre and Garff Commissioners following which the Commission finalised its boundary proposals and made a formal submission to the Department of Infrastructure seeking an extension of the town boundary.
Documents related to the progress of this application will be published on this webpage.
Boundary Review Request 12-01-21
Letter to Lezayre Commissioners
Department of Infrastructure response 27-04-21
DoI Draft boundary review timetable 27-04-21
Town Clerk Report May 2021 Appendix