Quick Tender – Hanging Baskets

Photo: Peter Whiteway

Quick Tender – Hanging Baskets


Ramsey Town Commissioners invite suitably qualified and competent parties to consider the planting of the Commissions hanging baskets and planters.

Plants should be hardened off and ready to go out by the third week of May at the latest and planted in good quality organic with long life fertiliser and water retaining compost.

The Commission have:

200 x 40cm wire baskets

30 x 47cm self-watering planters

12 x 57cm self-watering planters

Completed tenders must be submitted on letter-headed paper and must be signed and sent or delivered in plain sealed envelopes marked:  “Tender- Hanging Baskets. 2021”

to arrive at the address below no later than 12.00 noon on Monday, 20th December 2021.

On arrival all tenders will remain sealed and stored securely until being opened in accordance with the Commission’s Standing Orders.

Proof of posting will not be accepted as proof of delivery.


Technical Services Manager

Ramsey Town Commissioners

Town Hall




1) Tenders must be in £ sterling for each size category.

2) The tender will be valid for 3 years starting January 2022, with an option to extend for a further 2 years.

3) Any annual increase which may apply after year 1 of the contract, must be made as a request to alter the contract in writing to the Commission a minimum of 3 months prior to the start of the next year and will be index linked.

4) the Commission does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

5) this contract is non-exclusive

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