Ramsey Quayside Proposals

The Department of Infrastructure's proposals for the reconstruction of the highway and footpaths (including flood defences and social areas) on Ramsey quayside are currently on display at Ramsey Town Hall during normal opening hours (daily 8:45am - 4:30pm & Friday 8:45am - 4:00pm).

A member of the Department's design team will be in attendance on Friday between 10am & 2pm to answer any questions from the public.

The Department has provided the following project description:-

Ramsey quayside has been susceptible to severe flooding during astronomically high tides which has caused extensive damage to residential and commercial property. Current forecasts of climate change predict that the frequency and extent of such events are predicted to increase in the coming years. Fluvial flooding from the Sulby River and smaller tributaries and rainfall run off are other contributory factors to the more severe flood events in Ramsey but, unless the tidal flooding is addressed, other mitigation measures will be largely ineffective at times of high water.

Coincident with the need to address tidal flooding around the harbour is the necessity to reconstruct the highway, both carriageway and foot way, running along the quay. This is the main route for heavy traffic to the harbour working area. The carriageway is constructed of reinforced concrete slabs and foot way is in-situ concrete. Both are showing signs of age and there is significant cracking and displacement of slabs. Utility companies will have the opportunity to upgrade services in the area in an effort to future proof the quayside for years to come.

The harbour in Ramsey has always been vital to the character of the town and the department hopes that the works will add a new lease of life into the area by giving the quayside a much needed upgrade.

The display precedes the submission of a formal planning application and feedback on the proposals from the public and other interested parties are being sought.  Anyone not able to meet with Department officers can submit their views in writing via the town hall or by email to enquiries@rtc.gov.im.  All submissions received will be forward to the Department for consideration. 

Copies of the various plans are available to download.  These have also be posted on the Commissioners Facebook page www.facebook/ramseytowncommisisoners @ramseytowncommissioners

Location Plan 

Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 3

Plan 4

Plan 5

Plan 6

Section 1

Section 2

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